Awareness about breast cancer prevention and the practice of self-examination among users of the public health system


  • Jessika Endrigo
  • Maria Cristina Traldi



Neoplasms, Women’s health, Health education, Breast Self-Examination


This article aimed at finding information regarding the habit of breast self-examination (BSE), by evaluating the frequency and the time it takes to be conducted by users of the public service basic health care, in a city in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The sample was composed by 398 women, divided through the 36 basic units of the municipality. The habit to perform the BSE was mentioned by 68.2% of the women in the sample, and from these, 59.2% state that they have been doing it for more than 10 years. The regularity in the conduction of the exam has greatly varied among the participants. Most of them (62.6%) do it sporadically, when they remember; one third (29.6%) stated that they do the exam monthly. There was a negative association with the age (p=0.001), ethnicity (p=0.001) and marital status (p=0.001). Self-care regarding breast cancer was performed by a majority of the participants of the study, which are white, older than 30, married and educated. The clinical exam conducted by gynecologists was the main source of knowledge regarding the BSE, which highlights the important role of health care professionals in the dissemination of new guidelines.


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How to Cite

Endrigo, J., & Traldi, M. C. (2017). Awareness about breast cancer prevention and the practice of self-examination among users of the public health system. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 5(2), 209–220.



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