Sedentary behavior in schools: the state of the art


  • Bruno de Freitas Camilo
  • Jéssica de Fátima Xavier Santos
  • Alynne Christian Ribeiro Andaki
  • Regina Simões
  • Álvaro da Silva Santos
  • Renata Damião



Sedentary lifestile, Adolescent, Child


The aim of this study was to analyze the "state of the art" of the sedentary behavior in schoolchildren from 2012 to 2014. The databases used for the research were the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) and the Scielo - Scientific Electronic Library Online. The term "sedentary behavior" was used in the initial search, and the result was later refined involving the words "artigos" (articles), "português" (Portuguese) and "2012-2014". Two authors read, independently, the titles of the articles. Five articles were included in the state of the art.  The articles discussed two main themes: factors associated to sedentary behavior and validity and reproducibility of questionnaires to evaluate sedentary behavior. It was noted that there is no standardization in the literature when it comes to the markers used to characterize sedentary behavior.  There is also no consensus regarding what is the time of exposure to sedentary behavior that can be associated to negative effects in the lives of the schoolchildren.


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How to Cite

Camilo, B. de F., Santos, J. de F. X., Andaki, A. C. R., Simões, R., Santos, Álvaro da S., & Damião, R. (2018). Sedentary behavior in schools: the state of the art. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 6(2), 249–255.