The use of audiovisual resources in the teaching and learning process in occupational therapy for health and at work
Occupational therapy, Occupational health, Teaching, Audiovisual aidsAbstract
This is an experience report which aims to illustrate the teaching and learning process in Occupational Therapy for Health and Labor, by producing audiovisual materials that portray the complexity of the relationship between the process of labor, health and disease. The total number of audiovisual productions created during the period of this study (2007-2011) was of 36, all of which were analyses of the work in different industry fields, in commerce, service provision, and as informal workers, areas that are marked by division of tasks and alienation of the worker. This study was a teaching strategy that made it possible to understand the work of occupational therapy in the health field, in a critical and reflective way, favoring health promotion and surveillance of these individuals.
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