The elderly statute at school: intergenerational challenges


  • Nanci Soares
  • Joice Sousa Costa
  • Denise Gisele Silva Costa
  • Cristiane de Fátima Poltronieri



Constitution and bylaws, Education primary and secondary, Aged, Intergenerational relations


This is an experience report that aims to analyze the propositions that emerged from a workshop conducted in a private school, focusing on teachers and students from basic and elementary school, with the objective to highlight the work of the social worker from an intergenerational perspective. Considering the contribution of the dialectic method, the initiative provided and increased possibilities of an intergenerational link between children and elders in the process of formal education.


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How to Cite

Soares, N., Costa, J. S., Costa, D. G. S., & Poltronieri, C. de F. (2017). The elderly statute at school: intergenerational challenges. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 5, 318–324.