Applicability of the cycloergometer in the control of immobility syndrome during the termination process
Palliative care, Physical therapy specialty, Exercise, FatigueAbstract
The aim of the present study was to verify the publications about the use of the cycloergometer in patients in palliative care. It is a review performed in the databases: SciELO, PEDro, and PubMed. The following descriptors were used: Palliative Care; Physical Therapy; Exercise and Fatigue. The boolean system was applied, using the technique of crossing of descriptors. Regarding the strategy of selection, the titles and abstracts were considered, following the criteria: publication period from 2013 to 2017; articles in Portuguese and English; the theme of physical exercise on the PC process. Thus, from an initial result of 16 articles, eight were selected, which attended to the criteria. The aerobic physical exercise associated with the anaerobic, found in literature, generates benefits on fatigue and in the syndrome of immobility. However, studies that investigated the use of cycloergometer in patients under palliative care were not found.
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