Conceptions about the nursing course at a public university: the opinion of professors
Faculty, Education, nursing, Educational measurement, StudentsAbstract
The aim of the research was to identify and describe the opinion of nursing professors on the syllabus of a nursing graduation course, and its relationship with the health services of the municipality. This is a qualitative study, whose data collection took place through individual interviews during the meeting of the Nursing Graduation Course in October 2017, motivated by activities of PET-GraduaSUS from the Ministry of Health, which took place between 2015 and 2017. 15 professors were interviewed. The data was analyzed through the Collective Subject Discourse. Four discourses emerged, from which, among several aspects, the need to break the Traditionalist model of teaching, diminish bureaucracy, and increase the interaction with health services, especially the Hospital, since this service is usually more cited than primary health care. The need for dialogue aimed at restructuring the syllabuses of the undergraduate courses in the health area was observed, in particular the syllabus of the Nursing course, in the search for a more qualified education.
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