Evaluation of the actions of the Hiperdia program for hypertensive patients
Unified Health System, Health centers, Risk factors, HypertensionAbstract
This is a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study, aimed at evaluating the influence of the actions of the program HIPERDIA in the quality of life of hypertensive patients in a city in the Triângulo Mineiro, from 2013 to 2016. It used sociodemographic and health questionnaires, blood collection, as well as educational interventions. Four hundred and five hypertensive patients (18.4% of those registered in the city) participated in the study. Diabetes was significantly higher among hypertensive patients (41.98%) than in normotensive ones. The same was true for eyesight (58.77%) and cardiac (26.17%) problems. In 61.14% of cases, despite the medication, blood pressure was not under control. Other relevant risk factors were: sedentarism (63.46%), obese and overweight patients (80.72%), and abdominal circumference measurements (88.3%). Users of the HIPERDIA have risk factors for ischemic complications that could be cut down if they adhered better to the practices encouraged by the Program.
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