Food advertising: selling what?




Emotions, Marketing, Food publicity


The aim of this study was to analyze the persuasion arguments of food advertising related to emotion and practicality, in the Brazilian television. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach in which we analyzed ten examples of commercials that were selected monitoring two open channels for seven days in random periods in the year 2017. The analysis showed that the speech uses arguments related to solving problems of everyday life, associating the demands of feelings to nutrition and giving love, related mainly to family roles. The main characters are women in family contexts or in common, routine conditions that show hurry or automatic functions in the task of preparing food. The food is offered as a solution to the concerns of practical life and frustrations, inducing to consume themwith the promise to solve objective and subjective problems.

Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Aguiar Bloemer, Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

Nutricionista. Especialista em Nutrição na modalidade Aprimoramento Profissional. Mestre e Doutora em Ciências Médicas. Professora do Curso de Nutrição da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

Rosa Wanda Diez Garcia, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (FMURP-USP), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

Nutricionista. Residência e Especialização em Nutrição. Mestre e Doutora em Psicologia Social. Professora Associada do Curso de Nutrição da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (FMURP-USP), Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Bloemer, A. C. A., & Garcia, R. W. D. (2018). Food advertising: selling what?. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 6(4), 694–700.