Educational intervention in the management of waste from health services in primary care
Medical Waste, Education, Nursing, Continuing, Traineeships, Primary health careAbstract
This study aims to describe the experience of an intervention on the management of medical waste in a family health unit. This is an experience report, divided into 4 steps: knowledge of routine, update of the Plan of Medical Waste Management, continuing education and evaluation, carried out from March to June 2018. A team considered itself unprepared to follow the steps in the management of medical waste proposed by the Medical Waste Plan Management of the unit. The actions were carried out through continuing education with both teams and meetings with network professionals and other employees of the unit. After the intervention, it was observed changings in the habit related to the management of the medical waste and intention to continue the improvement of the medical waste management, being satisfactory the management of the waste after the intervention.
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