Congenital syphilis: epidemiological characteristics of the mother/child binomial treated in a public teaching hospital
Syphilis, Congenital syphilis, Prenatal care, Descriptive epidemiologyAbstract
This study aimed to identify cases of congenital syphilis and characterize mothers and newborns from January 2010 to December 2015, carried out in 2016. It is a descriptive, retrospective study with data from the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Hospital de Clínicas of the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba-MG, Brazil. It identified 70 cases of congenital syphilis. Mothers aged 20 to 29 years (51.3%), with low level of education (48.6%), single (48.6%) with prenatal diagnosis (70%), inadequate or no treatment (80%). The newborns were males (54.3%), with a mean gestational age of 37 weeks, symptomatic (51.4%), underwent treatment (97.3%) and were discharged (95.4%). The number of cases increased from 5.7% in 2010 to 58.6% in 2014. The findings of this study are relevant as they highlight a significant increase in the cases of congenital syphilis, high level of inadequate treatment of the pregnant women and no adherence of the partner to it, especially because of the deficit in the Primary Care.
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