Nonverbal communication in the care of hypertensive patients in the Family Health Strategy
Communication, Professional-patient relations, Hypertension, Family health strategy, Primary health careAbstract
The aim of this study was to analyze nonverbal communication in the care of hypertensive users in the Family Health Strategy. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach, carried out in a municipality in the countryside of the State of Ceará, Brazil, in 2016. Data were collected using a checklist based on a systematic non-participant observation, subsidized by a field diary, and treated using thematic content analysis. The results generated two categories: Non-verbal communication in the interaction between the health professional and the hypertensive patient and Understanding non-verbal meanings and expressions in the relational context of the interactions. A greater incidence of verbal language was observed in the meetings in different spaces of attention, where non-verbal meanings present in the communication process went unnoticed, signaled by means of body expressions, gestures, posture or other subtle ways of expression during the therapeutic action. Health professionals need to have more knowledge about non-verbal communication in the relationship with hypertensive individuals, since the recognition of the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication enhances actions and acting in health.
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