Activities of health promotion for a group of elderly people: experience report
Health of the elderly, Comprehensive health care, Health promotion.Abstract
This study aimed to report the experience of health promotion actions in the elderly population through the practice of supervised physical activity, health education, social interaction, empowerment and leisure activities. The study took place between 2018 and 2019, and 33 elderly community members from a Basic Health Unit (Unidade Básica de Saúde) in the city of Uberaba, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil participated in the group. The meetings consisted of warm-up with static and dynamic stretches (15’); strengthening, mobility, proprioception, balance, coordination and aerobic exercises (35’); cooling down with stretching (10’) and, after physical activity, varied dynamics were carried out covering health education, social interaction and leisure activities (10’) and, at the end, a prayer. There was an increase in attendance of elderly people, and the average systolic blood pressure decreased by 3.52% and the average diastolic blood pressure decreased by 2.38% between the beginning and the end of the project. It was noticeable and significant the evolution and development in physical variables, in critical sense and in effective participation, dynamism and communication of the group, as well as the construction of a bond between the elderly people and the residents. There was a gain both for residents in the form of theoretical-practical support/support, and for users, who benefited from physical, psychological, social and general well-being activities, always based on their anguish, losses or changes in general.
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