Home stimuli and characteristics at birth of children with Down syndrome





Environment, Down Syndrome, Play and playthings.


This is a quantitative and descriptive study carried out between 2018 and 2019. It aims to describe the characteristics of birth and home stimuli of children with Down syndrome. The questionnaire used to collect information about the child's home environment was the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development Self-Report (18 to 36 months), through an interview, and an anamnesis questionnaire. Five mothers and their children with Down syndrome participated. The children had an average age of 31 months (± 3.78) and all of them underwent surgery. It was found that all children had medium and high opportunities. The interior space and the variety of stimuli were the only items in which all children received a very good score. The fine and gross motor skills of children were classified as weak. The home environment had important stimuli for children's development. The environment is important for growth and development of the child with Down, as well as participation in stimulation by parents and other adults around.

Author Biographies

Monise Fernandes de Carvalho


Janaine Brandão Lage, Centro de Equoterapia da Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE)

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista em Acupuntura. Especialista em Neuropediatria. Mestre em Educação Física. Doutoranda em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM). Fisioterapeuta do Centro de Equoterapia da Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE)

Karina Pereira, Departamento de Fisioterapia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia da UFTM

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista em Intervenção em Neuropediatria. Mestre e Doutora em Fisioterapia. Professor Associado do Departamento de Fisioterapia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia da UFTM


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How to Cite

Carvalho, M. F. de, Lage, J. B., & Pereira, K. (2020). Home stimuli and characteristics at birth of children with Down syndrome. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 8, 746–753. https://doi.org/10.18554/refacs.v8i0.4750