Health condition of inmates in a prison in the Midwestern region of Santa Catarina state
Prisoners, Health profile, Health promotion, Communicable disease controlAbstract
This is a descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional and quantitative study, carried out in 2019 through the analysis of the medical records of incarcerated people in the city of Caçador, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It aimed to analyze health conditions of inmates. Sociodemographic data, history of habits and addictions, diseases, use of medications, rapid diagnostic test and medical consultations were collected. The analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and using the chi-square test. The records of 266 inmates (overcrowded) were considered, being: the majority were male (96.24%); 20 to 39 years (72.26%); brown (48.04%) and white (44.53%); unemployed (45.7%); single (61.57%), with low educational level (52.94% had up to elementary education); use of benzodiazepines (28.38%), use of antidepressants (18.02%) and antipsychotics (14.44%); tobacco use (58.2%), followed by marijuana (44.53%); 95.31% of men and all women underwent rapid diagnostic tests for hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV at time of admission, and on days following entry, both men and women had two medical appointments. Alcohol, marijuana and crack use presented correlation with depression. The context presented shows the need for investments in public policies to improve disease prevention and health promotion for people with deprivation of liberty.
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