Lifestyle: mental health and preventive behavior in adolescents




Life style, Mental health, Adolescent, Loneliness


This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study, carried out in schools in a city in the Northern region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2017. It aimed to evaluate the perception of mental health and the adoption of preventive behavior in young students. For data collection, the questionnaire named “Estilo de Vida do Adolescente Manauara” (Lifestyle of the Manauara Adolescent) was used. Descriptive analysis with absolute and relative frequencies and comparison using the chi-square test was used. A total of 583 students from the public school system, aged between 15 and 18 years, participated, of which 41.3% were female and 58.7% were male. In the mental health of students, 67% of female adolescents and 48.1% of male adolescents had a high level of stress. 40.2% of female adolescents and 30.1% of male adolescents showed satisfactory health perception. On the other hand, students showed negative results regarding the use of condoms, highlighting the number of students who sometimes or never used it: 31.5% of male adolescents and 25.4% of female adolescents. Health education actions are suggested at school and by the health sector itself, with a view to improving the lifestyle of adolescents.


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How to Cite

Xavier, L. C., Santos, L. F. dos, Santos, M. C. Álvaro, Jacques, N. M. de O., Machado, F. S. M., & Silva, A. F. da. (2021). Lifestyle: mental health and preventive behavior in adolescents. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 10(1), 77–84.



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