Collaborative practices in basic health units and the role of management
Health Services Administration, Patient Care Team, Primary Health Care, Cooperative behaviorAbstract
Objective: to analyze the collaborative practices and strategies used by management in primary health care. Methods: qualitative study, carried out in 2019, through interviews with managers in a municipality in the Northern region of the state of Paraná, Brazil. Data were interpreted by discourse analysis and discussed based on the theoretical framework of Collaborative Practice. Results: Five managers participated, one from each region of the city, and four categories were organized: Collaborative practices in primary care; Role of the manager in promoting collaborative practices; Incipient user participation in the construction of collaborative practices; and Situations that interfere in the consolidation of collaborative practices. Conclusion: the presence of collaborative practices was demonstrated, so that the managers mainly used the strategies: release of professional agenda, articulation of spaces for matrix support and debates of the work process, individual feedbacks and organization of logistics.
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