Hate speech in the psychoanalytic clinic





Psychoanalysis, Aggression, Hate, Psychological distress.


This is a narrative review carried out between 2018 and 2020, influenced by the global context. It aims to analyze hate speech phenomena and their manifestations in conjunction with the psychoanalytic theory, as well as clinical management. From the perspective of the Freudian theory, the possible unconscious motivations of those who use hate speech are explored and an attempt is made to identify its impact on the mental health of their targeted individuals. Three thematic areas are brought into the debate, namely: Hate speech in society, Hate speech and the psyche, and Hate speech in the psychoanalytic clinic. There are countless examples of hate speech throughout history, which do not seem to lose power even in a social scenario in which they are widely questioned and condemned. Its persistence is justified in the Freudian hypotheses about destructive impulses inherent to human beings, their resources for identification, and their narcissistic motions. Psychoanalytic theory brings to light the origins of the human desire for destruction and reveals an unpalatable notion: it is not possible to fully rid oneself of that desire. Psychoanalysis allows individuals to find healthier ways to channel these narcissistic impulses, identifications and motivations, seeing as their exacerbation can potentially cause psychic illness - in addition to the possibility of culminating in the real annihilation of these many "others".

Author Biography

Mariana de Toledo Nascimento Gomes

Bacharel em Letras - Habilitação em Inglês. Psicanalista. Pós-graduanda em Psicanálise pelo Núcleo Brasileiro de Pesquisas Psicanalíticas. Especializanda em Psicanálise na Parentalidade e Perinatalidade pelo Instituto Gerar de Psicanálise, São Paulo, SP


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How to Cite

Gomes, M. de T. N. (2021). Hate speech in the psychoanalytic clinic. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 9(2), 472–480. https://doi.org/10.18554/refacs.v9i2.5424