Autonomy and exclusion practices in a psychosocial care center: an experience report
Mental health services, Health care reform, Mental health.Abstract
This is an experience report of a qualitative and descriptive nature, developed in the second semester of 2019, based on visits, analyses, observations and reflections in a city in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais. It aimed to report the experience of Psychology students about the daily life of a Psychosocial Care Center. The study used discourses established through participation in workshops, assemblies and social activities, as well as contacts established with users. The impressions were transcribed in a field diary, with analysis based on the construction of thematic axes. Four students participated in eight visits that lasted around two hours. Two thematic axes were established: Asylum inheritance: the lack of autonomy in daily practices; and Daily practices and the development of autonomy. The work showed that despite the desubjective practices experienced by patients, the institution has proposals for the Psychosocial Paradigm that aim to regain independence, placing the subject as the protagonist of their actions, displacing them from the place of being excluded.
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