Educational workshop for Nursing students on teaching about vacines
Primary health care, Professional training, Students, Nursing, VaccinationAbstract
Objective: to report the experience of an educational workshop on vaccines with Nursing students in the Supervised Internship discipline in Primary Health Care. Methods: descriptive study, of the experience report type, about an educational workshop, carried out with Nursing students in Primary Health Care, in June 2023. Aspects ranging from the cold chain, organization of the vaccination room and refrigerator, to vaccine administration techniques were covered, with the aim of understanding the weaknesses and strengths regarding the topic. An instrument composed of five multiple choice questions was used, which was applied before and after the educational workshop. The questions related to knowledge and application of vaccines. Results: 12 Nursing students and one Nursing technician participated. The educational workshop brought benefits to both participants and tutors, as it allowed them to learn about the difficulties faced by Nursing students and from this, the tutors were able to intervene and contribute to the training process and professional qualification. Conclusion: holding workshops is relevant in the training process of Nursing students, as it contributes to the improvement of knowledge that is involved in their training process.
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