Risk and protective factors arising from the use of crack cocaine in the capital city of Brazil





Crack cocaine, Protective factors, Risk factors, Public health, Mental health


Objective: to identify risk and protective factors in crack cocaine users at a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Other Drugs III. Methods: qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research using semi-structured interviews with crack users of both sexes and over 18 years of age in the Brazilian Federal District. Discourse analysis and categorization were used. Results: five categories emerged: Physical and psychological effects; The context of crack cocaine use: form of use and places of purchase; The use of condoms; Violence situations associated with the context of crack cocaine use; Social network: family and friends; CAPS as a care device. The data highlighted the risk factors in situations of social vulnerability, compromised physical, mental and sexual health, the quality of the substance and the lifestyle, in which individual behavior suffers insurgencies from the social group and the violence that permeates the use of crack. Family and friends were considered protective factors in paradoxical and fragile relationships due to trust. The Psychosocial Care Center stood out in terms of differentiated treatment as a protective factor from the perspective of the expanded clinic. Conclusion: knowledge of risk and protective factors allows the proposition of preventive strategies, guided by life trajectories and psychosocial context aligned with the proposal of harm reduction and comprehensive health care, in an intersectoral and multidisciplinary way.


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How to Cite

Andrade, A. M., Matta, M. L. G. da, Gussi, M. A. ., & Lima, M. da G. . (2023). Risk and protective factors arising from the use of crack cocaine in the capital city of Brazil. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 11(3), e7255. https://doi.org/10.18554/refacs.v11i3.7255



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