First Aid for education professionals working with children
First Aid, School Health Services, ChildAbstract
Objective: to assess the level of theoretical knowledge before and after training on First Aid for professionals working with children in Municipal Early Childhood Education Centers. Methods: quantitative research, with a quasi-experimental design of the before and after type, with professionals from early childhood education centers through a training course named: “First Aid for professionals working with children”, carried out between September and October of 2023. Two instruments were used: one on the sociodemographic profile of participants, and another with 18 questions as a pre-test. Afterwards, both theoretical and practical training were conducted, followed by post-testing. Results: the average age of the professionals was 42.5 years, and most of them (76.0%) mentioned previous participation in first aid courses. After training, the overall percentage of correct answers was 97%. Conclusion: despite previous participation in courses and deficient knowledge about first aid care in the pre-test, there was a substantial improvement in knowledge after training, in the post-test.
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