Overview of Geriatric Dentistry Education in Public Universities in Brazil.
Elderly, Dental Education, Aging, EducationAbstract
This study aims at presenting an overview of geriatric dentistry teaching in Brazilian public dentistry undergraduate courses. The availability of this subject and its characteristics were analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics, through searching in official websites, as well as their features. The study has found that less than half of the investigated courses offer geriatric dentistry as a subject, and that they emphasize theoretical basic contents than the actual practice of oral health care with the elderly. The official websites of most universities had the information needed; however, the main characteristics of the courses were not present in all of them. It is important to qualify the subject in the courses where it is available, taking into account both methodology and content, in order for soon-to-be dental surgeons to be apt to care for the oral health of these group of people.
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