Teaching-service articulation: strategy for health graduation and permanent education
Education, Primary health care, Community participationAbstract
The teaching-service-community integration is among the directives for higher education and makes permanent education available to workers in Brazil, to generate professionals that are prepared to work in the Unified Health System (SUS). This is an experience report that aims at presenting the integrative perspective of a teaching practice in a federal public university. The practice was named Community Teaching Practice Model (PEC), and took place in the Campus Prof. Antônio Garcia Filho, in the Federal University of Sergipe, in Lagarto, SE, Brazil. This insertion in the health services and in the community takes place since the first year of the course. It is an educational practice that integrates teaching and service, trying to make it so education through work becomes a promising way to induce permanent education in the quotidian of services. In this process, the establishment of links to the community should also be highlighted, as it fosters popular participation from all subjects involved, to achieve social transformations and the strengthening of citizenship.
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