Depressive symptoms in users attended in a Matrix Health Unit
Depressão, Estratégia Saúde da Família, Atenção primária à saúde, Saúde mentalAbstract
This study aimed at conducting a survey about the depressive symptoms of users in the Matrix health service. This was an descriptive and exploratory study, developed in a Matrix Health Unit in a municipality in the countryside of the Triângulo Mineiro region, G, Brazil, from July to November, 2013. The sample was made up of 282 users of the health service. A sociodemographic characterization instrument was used, together with Beck's Depression Inventory to scree for depressive symptoms. Most participants were male, from 18 to 59 years of age, married and with up to 8 years of study. 11.0% of participants presented with dysphoria and approximately 31.0% presented a score that indicated depression. These symptoms were most common among elders (p=0.028). Single, divorced and widow persons also presented statistically relevant correlations to scores that indicate depression (p=0.042). Mental health is still a neglected by the Primary Health, and the professionals who work in the field must improve their work practices, valuing the many ways to investigate the depressive symptoms and their associated factors.
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