Teaching Hospital: promoting health in the territory
Health education, Public health, Hospitals teaching, Teaching care integration servicesAbstract
This study aims to report the experience of undergraduate nursing student’s members of the Programa de Educação Tutorial of the Nursing course (Program of Tutorial Education - PET Nursing) in an educational extramural activity proposed by a Federal Teaching Hospital. The extension activity proposed was conducted in two meetings from October to December 2016, in two communities in the city of Uberaba, MG, Brazil. As a strategy to approach and interact with the population, arterial pressure and rapid glycemic measures, as well as hepatitis-C tests were used, in addition to the confection of ludic materials, such as banners, medication showcases, leaflets, drawings, tools to write down the guidance received and other means of interaction with the public. The themes addressed by this experience were: diabetes; arterial hypertension; hepatitis; the correct use of medication; interpretation of industrialized food product labels; electricity in the residence; recycling of domestic waste. The activity gave the students an opportunity to interact with professors and professionals from other health field courses, and therefore, to have an interdisciplinary view on highly relevant themes to promote the health of the population, in addition to being closer and having a dialogic interaction with the community.
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