Mental status of caregivers of elderly people on renal dialysis
Aged, Caregivers, Renal dialysis, Hemodialysis units, Hospital.Abstract
This study aims to characterize the sociodemographic, economical and clinical aspects and analyze the mental state of caregivers of elderly people on renal dialysis. The cross-section, descriptive, quantitative study was conducted in 2017, on a dialysis treatment unity with 91 elderly patients. Of these, 80.22% were family members, 68.13% were women, 45.05% had more than eight years of education, 71.43% did not have arterial hypertension, and they had an average age of 50.37 years and mean time in renal dialysis and care for the elderly by the caregiver of 36.60±39.65 and 72.70±109.50 months, respectively. Three categorial variables significantly influenced the caregivers’ mental state scores: type of caregiver, level of education and occurrence of arterial hypertension. The variable coefficient was 17.56%, with a minimum score of 10.0 points and a maximum score of 29.0% points. Mental state was influenced by the type of caregiver, level of education and occurrence of arterial hypertension.
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