Frequency and duration of manipulative actions in the act of playing with cubes in children with low vision
Vision, Low, Child development, Motor skills.Abstract
This is a cross-sectional/observational study. It aimed to analyze the frequency and duration of manipulative actions of children when exploring cubes of different sensory stimuli (light, auditory, tactile, high-contrast, transparent and black) . Seven children with low vision and seven with normal vision (8.8 years ± 1.02) were evaluated. The children were filmed during the act of playing with the cubes. For the group I, there was a significant difference in the high contrast (p = 0.031) and tactile (p = 0.017) cubes for the manipulative action of shaking the cube. For the group II, significant results occurred in the action of turning (p = 0.047) the luminous cube and in the action of removing hands (p = 0.006) in the tactile cube. There was no difference in the general average of frequency and manipulation time of the cubes. The cubes with tactile and high contrast stimuli were favorable to stimulate children with low vision from 7 to 10 years of age.
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