Guidelines for self-care and self-application of insulin to patients with diabetes mellitus by medical students




Diabetes mellitus, Insulin, Medication therapy management, Health education.


This study aims to report the experience of medical undergraduates in self-care education actions for patients on insulin therapy, from an extension project, carried out during the 2019 academic semesters, in an outpatient clinic for people care with diabetes, at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, after training the students involved. Triggering questions were considered: Questions such as “Could you tell how you keep insulin in your house?”, “Can you show me how you apply insulin?”, “Where do you inject insulin, exactly?” and, “To dispose of the needle, how do you do it?”. An audience of 260 children, teenagers and adults was estimated. The waiting period was used, before the consultation, with individual interviews. With the difficulties found for each patient, self-care in the application of insulin was guided. The experience of health education made it possible to reinforce the step-by-step process of insulin therapy, encourage adherence to treatment and contribute to improving the quality of life, strengthening the teaching-service-community axis, in which the patient develops the necessary skills for self-care , and students, experience practical for their professional future.

Author Biographies

Kaio Saramago Mendonça, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)

Graduando em Medicina pela UFU.

Alice Mirane Malta Carrijo, UFU

Graduanda em Medicina pela UFU.

Jairo Fernandes Marques, UFU

Graduando em Medicina pela UFU.

Isabela Milagres Guimarães, UFU

Graduanda em Medicina pela UFU.

Marília Rodrigues Moreira, UFU

Doutora em Odontopediatria. Coordenadora e professora do curso de especialização em Odontopediatria da ABO/Uberlândia e professora na graduação da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (FAMED).


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How to Cite

Mendonça, K. S., Carrijo, A. M. M., Marques, J. F., Guimarães, I. M., & Moreira, M. R. (2021). Guidelines for self-care and self-application of insulin to patients with diabetes mellitus by medical students. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 9(3), 682–690.