Nomophobia and its repercussions on the occupations of university students




Nomophobia, Occupation, University students


Objective: The present study aims to investigate the existence of nomophobia among university students, who define cell phone use as one of their main occupations, how they react to being separated from their cell phone and what the occupational repercussions are. Method: This is quantitative-qualitative research, with a descriptive approach. 68 students participated in the research. The data was collected through the application of research protocols after the experience of being without smartphones during the period of an entire class shift. The analysis of these data occurred through content analysis and the creation of a database, carrying out a statistical balance and a descriptive analysis of each categorical variable. Results: 68 university students participated in the research, with an average age of 22 years. In the data referring to the scores obtained in the No Mobile Phone Questionnaire-BR, all participants scored above 20 points, that is, they present some degree of Nomophobia. In relation to qualitative data, the results appear in 3 thematic categories: Reactions to the removal of occupations related to Smartphones; Occupations, forgetfulness and the search for the device; and Tranquility for being involved in another activity. Conclusion: Therefore, the research points out that the unrestricted and unrestrained use of smartphones can cause harm to the performance of other occupations such as academic activities, leisure, social participation and sleep rest for these students, and can evolve into conditions that compromise the health and well-being, as is the case with nomophobia.

Author Biographies

Bárbara Caroline Mendes Henrique, Universidade Federal do Pará

Acadêmica de Terapia Ocupacional. Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém/ Pará, Brasil.

Jeice Sobrinho Cardoso, Universidade Federal do Pará

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Mestre em Psicologia. Doutoranda em Psicologia pelo programa de pós graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém/Pa, Brasil.

Katia Maki Omura, Universidade Federal do Pará

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Doutora em Neurociências. Docente do curso de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém/PA. Brasil.

Victor Augusto Cavaleiro Corrêa, Universidade Federal do Pará

Terapeuta Ocupacional. Doutor em Doenças Tropicais pelo Núcleo de Medicina Tropical da Universidade Federal do Pará (NMT/UFPA). Docente do curso do Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém/Pará, Brasil.



How to Cite

Rodrigues Barra, A. C., Caroline Mendes Henrique, B. ., Sobrinho Cardoso, J. ., Maki Omura, K. ., & Augusto Cavaleiro Corrêa, V. (2024). Nomophobia and its repercussions on the occupations of university students. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 12(1).