Meliponini (Lepeletier, 1836), nests, diversityAbstract
Bees of the Meliponini tribe (Hymenoptera, Apidae), popularly known as stingless bees or native stingless bees, are eusocial species with great diversity in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. In addition to the importance of products that can be economically exploited, such as honey and propolis, these animals are important pollinators of numerous plant species. Currently, there are more than 400 described species, with 109 identified in Pará. Despite the relative great diversity, studies on their diversity are scarce, particularly in the Marajó region and specifically in the municipality of Breves-PA, where there is currently no study describing the diversity and occurrence of species in the region. Thus, a study is being conducted in two locations in the municipality: in the village of Corcovado and at the Nortecom site, aiming to identify the species of Meliponini bees found, locating and recording their nests. After identification, photographic recording, and georeferencing of the nests, specimens were collected with the aid of a net. In the village of Corcovado, 8 nests of the following stingless bee species were located: 3 nests of Trigona albipennis, 3 nests of Trigona pallens, one nest of Partamona testacea, and one nest of Trigona braueri. At the Nortecom site, 5 nests of three different species were found: one nest of Trigona pallens; two nests of Partamona ailyae, and two nests of Partamona testacea. Thus, the presence of at least five species of Meliponini bees in different locations in the municipality of Breves-PA was confirmed.
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