Crabronidae, Chrysididae, Eumeninae, Ichneumonidae, parasitoidResumo
There are some records of arthropods using abandoned nests of social wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae), but these records are still scarce, and new data are needed to identify occupations and relationships of these occupants with their parasites/parasitoids. However, records of nest reoccupation behaviors are still scarce, and new data are needed to identify new occupations and associations between different occupants. Therefore, the objective of this study was to report the occupation of abandoned social wasp nests by different Hymenoptera and possible associations between occupants and parasites/parasitoids. Ten nests of wasps of the genus Polistes were collected through active searching on the Bambuí campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Minas Gerais, in Cerrado area. Of these nests, five exhibited emergence of other Hymenoptera, belonging to four distinct families: Crabronidae (3 spp.): Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) aurifrons Shuckard, Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) nitidum Smith, and Trypoxylon (Trypoxylon) marginatum Cameron; Vespidae (Eumeninae): Pachodynerus nasidens (Latreille); Chrysididae (Chrysidinae): Caenochrysis parvula (Fabricius); and Ichneumonidae: Photocryptus fumartus (Hancock). The recorded associations suggest possible interactions between the occupants of abandoned nests, such as Crabronidae and solitary wasps that build mud nest, and possible parasites and parasitoids: Chrysididae and Ichneumonidae, respectively.
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