Nurses’ perception regarding internship insertion of nursing students
Primary Health Care, Students, Nursing, TraineeshipsAbstract
This study aimed to know the perception of nurses in primary care about the integration of nursing undergraduate students in practice areas. This is a qualitative study, carried out from key issues, with 25 nurses from primary and secondary network of the city of Uberaba-MG, Brazil, in September 2017, with analysis of Discourse of the Collective Subject. Two categories and five discourses of the collective subject emerged. Positive and negative aspects on the integration of the academic in the practice field in primary care were recognized. One saw the academic as a change agent and collaborator on teamwork and care, being the critical points the low valuation of primary care, the reduced participation of nurses in the activities planning and the lack of preparation and little concern by some students. Nurses realize the integration of the students favorably; however, they consider communication and integration deficient between university and service.References
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