Nursing care challenges in the face of death: reflections on spirituality
Workforce, Humanizacion of assistance, Nursing care, Attitude to death, Spirituality.Abstract
This is a qualitative study carried out in 2016, in a city in the state of Minas Gerais. It aimed to describe the dimensions of care in the face of death and the influence of spirituality on the perception of nursing professionals who work in sectors of emergency care and admission of a hospital university. There were 160 participants, of which 141 were female, aged between 30 and 39 years old (44.3%) and 40 to 49 years old (21.8%). As for the category of activity, there were 131 professionals with secondary education (nursing assistants/technicians) and 29 with higher education (nurses), with experience of 5 to 4 years (34.4%) and 10 to 14 years (25%), The majority were Catholics (35.5%), followed by Spiritists (32.5%). The material resulting from the interviews was exposed to the analysis of the Collective Subject Discourse, with the aid of the DSCsoft® software. The grouping of key expressions and similar central ideas resulted in three categories: Professional performance in the face of processes of death; Self reflection; and Spirituality: dimensions and influence in the professional context. The speeches reveal spirituality as a source of support and restoration, although the immanent meaning is reported by the relationships between people and the environment in which they live. An emphasis is put on the importance of self-care and the need for professionals to have welcoming spaces with the opportunity to redefine comprehensive care in face of finitude.
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