Health promotion of children and adolescents in institutional care: challenges and perspectives




Health promotion, Child advocacy, Child, institutionalized, Social work.


This is an exploratory qualitative research carried out in 2018 in a city in the Triangulo Mineiro region, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This study aims to analyze health promotion actions directed at children and adolescents in institutional care. Data collection in the field took place through recorded interviews, with subsequent analysis of thematic content and categorization. Six professionals from five care institutions for children and adolescents participated. Four categories emerged: Institutions and professionals; The health conditions of children and adolescents and the responses offered by the institutions; Health promotion actions; and Access to the health service network. The results point out the concern of the institutions with the health care to the sheltered, which is expressed in actions such as medical consultations, exams and vaccination. The need for new alternatives to promote the health of these children and adolescents away from family life is considered.

Author Biography

Cláudia Helena Julião, Curso de Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM)

Assistente Social. Especialista em Direitos Sociais. Especialista em Política Social. Mestre, Doutora e Pós Doutora em Serviço Social. Professora Associada do curso de Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade Federal do Triângulo MinEIRO


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How to Cite

Julião, C. H. (2020). Health promotion of children and adolescents in institutional care: challenges and perspectives. JOURNAL FAMILY, CYCLES OF LIFE AND HEALTH IN SOCIAL CONTEXT, 8, 1033–1041.