Violation of human rights and humanized care: perspectives of workers in psychosocial care network
Mental Health, Human Rights, Community Mental Health Services, Humanization of Assistance.Abstract
This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and qualitative study carried out in 2016 in the countryside of the state of Minas Gerais. It aims to analyze the understanding of psychosocial care workers about human rights in the daily life of services. Questionnaires and audio-recorded focus groups were used, and the data were interpreted by thematic analysis. Fifteen workers participated, including two physicians, four social workers, five psychologists, a nurse, a nursing technician, a pharmacist and a nutritionist. Two categories were constructed: Violation of human rights; and Humanized care. As violations were cited: problems in emergency care such as physical violence, inadequate containment; lack of accessibility to services and social assistance rights, prejudice and stigma. Humanized care was understood as an expanded approach to health and the needs of users, autonomy, community insertion activities, expansion of care devices and teamwork. Although it reveals advances in the implementation of the psychosocial care model, the urgency of initiatives aimed at the defense of human rights was signaled.
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