Building a model birth plan based on the perception of pregnant women
Pregnant Women, Parturition, Planning, Decision MakingAbstract
Objective: to understand the construction of a birth plan based on the perception of pregnant women. Methods: qualitative approach study carried out from July to September 2020, with pregnant women recruited by a specific WhatsApp group, composed of pregnant women, mothers and health professionals. An online script and interview were used. The speeches were analyzed using the Collective Subject Discourse. Results: 50 pregnant women participated, with a mean age of 29 years, 58% were married, and 76% had a higher education degree. The subjects mentioned were: Birth Plan: items revealed by women - Episiotomy, Kristeller, Freedom of position and movement, Pain medication, Skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding in the newborn's first hour of life and Delayed clamping of the umbilical cord, Right to a companion, Vaginal touch, Labor induction. Conclusion: there was a perceived knowledge on the subject by the characteristics of the researched public, directing the construction of the birth plan, with the addition of the items: early bath, prevention of neonatal ophthalmia, desire to eat. The birth plan is defended as a possibility of individualized and humanized assistance, with information and guidance about the rights of pregnant women, and within their desires.
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