Saberes do outro no livro didático: a história dos afro-brasileiros


  • Manoel Ayusso Martins Secretaria da Educação de São Paulo
  • Vânia de Fátima Martino Unesp



In the following work, it is discussed how open to the cultural diversity and to the multiplicity of ways of existing, knowing and being at the world are the History textbooks (8th year of schooling). It will be done through checking what are the principles of afro-brazilian history disseminated in these textbooks (New Critical History, Arariba History Project, History Society and Citizenship). The theoretical framework used is based on official documents (Law n. 10.639/03 and curricular guidelines) and on the literature of multiculturalism and education. The findings indicate that the principles disseminated in the textbooks integrate and consolidate eurocentric constructions because it develops the idea of the black people predominantly as marginalized (poor, enslaved, etc.). It confirms that (1) the authors have not been able to produce multiculturally oriented collections, that (2) the collections are fertile territories of reproduction of a cultural color blindness and its social relations of domination and inequality, and that (3) there is a close connection between authors’ academic background and the multicultural substance of the textbooks.

