Educação de tempo integral: estudo sobre o ordenamento jurídico nos municípios de Porto Alegre e de Canoas (RS)


  • Gabriela de Abreu Oliveira UFRGS
  • Kelly Cristina Rodrigues Gularte da Silva UFRGS
  • Camila Rosangela da Silva Cunha



This article aims to present the constitutional, legal and institutional order that constitutes integral education in Brazil, analyzing the extent to which these regulations are legitimized in the Municipal Organic Laws of Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul and Canoas, metropolitan region. For the methodology, we used a qualitative, exploratory approach with bibliographic research as a contribution. As a result, we found a mismatch of the regulations in which at the federal level, there are documents that promote integral education in its entirety, and the state transmits responsibility to the municipalities, which in turn, call for the participation of other sectors in cooperation. We understand that integral education is linked to lifelong learning and public policies emerge to legitimize this type of education. Educate, always taking into account the context of life and trajectory of the subject, understanding that both school and student are in a constant learning relationship.

