This descriptive, exploratory study was performed using a quantitative approach, with the objective to analyze the quality of life of individuals with chronic pain undergoing treatment at a multidisciplinary pain clinic at a public teaching hospital in Minas Gerais. Data collection was performed using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) to obtain the mean score in each domain. Descriptive statistics were used for analysis. A total of 31 patients were interviewed. Most (61.3%) reported experiencing pain in the back and limbs. The highest identified score referred to the functional capacity domain (47.09), followed by mental health (40.00). The lowest scores referred to the domains of limitations due to physical aspects (27.41) and pain (28.06). Lower scores were observed among patients who had been attending the multidisciplinary pain clinic for over two years. These findings suggest a need to include new treatment modalities that consider the complexity of chronic pain.
Descriptors: Pain; Quality of Life; Nursing.
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