Eating habits of the elderly from a city in the countryside of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Feeding behavior, Elders, Chronic DiseasesAbstract
Healthy eating has an important role in the maintenance of health, especially considering the consumption of fruit and vegetables, which brings benefits to the functioning of the organism. Their inadequate or insufficient consumption is one of the ten main risk factors for the global load of diseases. This study aimed to identify the quality of the eating habits of elders from a municipality in the countryside of the Minas Gerais state, in Brazil. A questionnaire was applied to investigate the eating habits of 244 elders from an urban area of the state. Data was analyzed through a descriptive analysis. It was found that the elders consume a lot of foods made up of refined carbohydrates, sugars and lipids. New studies are needed to relate food consumption to the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases in this population.
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