People management in home care: reflections on the work of the nurse manager
Personnel Management, Health Management, Practice Management, Home Care Services, Health PersonnelAbstract
Objective: to describe a nurse´se experience in managing people in health teams within the context of home care. Methods: experience report, based on ten years of experience (2014 to 2024) of a nurse in people management in home care. The management was carried out for a small private home care company, headquartered in the interior of the state of São Paulo., Brazil The field diary technique was used to describe the management activities performed. Results: highlights of the practice: Duties (Recruitment and Recruitment, Engagement and Retention); and Challenges in people management in HC and Strategies to improve professionals' working conditions. The challenges were related to organizational culture, emotional management, work overload and low wages. Emerging strategies included: regulation, legislation, training and focus on professional development to promote engagement and satisfaction. Conclusion: the experience was significant, indicating that, although there is responsibility and control from higher levels of the company, the nurse's management role proved to be important, contributing to the support and assistance of the team, which also has an impact on the quality of care provided to patients in the context of home care.
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