A educação ambiental e a alternância: uma experiência na licenciatura em educação do campo


  • Patrícia Spinassé Borges UFG
  • Marilda Shuvartz UFG




Environmental Education (EE) and Rural Education (RE) originate, respectively, in ecological movements and social movements, as a way of contesting the current development model, capitalism. The present research is of a qualitative nature and aimed to investigate how Environmental Education present in the activities of students during the period of Alternation, called Community Time (TC), in the Degree in Rural Education, at the Federal University of Goiás - Regional Goiás contribute to the reflection as subjects of the field. The four EE activities carried out by the students of LEdoC UFG/Regional Goiás provided a reflection on the sustainability present in the field and in its community; students identified how field knowledge relates to and favors sustainability; and they better understood the existing changes in their community and in the environment on the influence of urban development, based on dialogue, experiences and experiences with people in the community. It can be concluded that EE was present through activities guided by teachers and developed by students in the discipline "Environmental Education in Rural Education" that contributed to the reflection of socio-environmental issues that involve the field, enabling an exchange between scientific knowledge and the knowledge of communities.

Author Biography

Patrícia Spinassé Borges, UFG




