J. B. de La Salle: um percurso divino para a educação popular





This article aims to analyze the “Guide to Christian Schools” by J. B. de La Salle, a Catholic cleric who was a pioneer in the field of popular education. The work was written in the 18th century with the purpose of establishing norms for the school routine and the management of educational institutions created and directed by the author. The first section of the article discusses the environment in which La Salle worked, focusing on the problematic situations he faced and the answers he offered to solve them. The next two sections present the most important passages from the “Guide to Christian Schools”, a text little known outside the circle of Lasallian educators and rarely examined in detail in the literature that mentions it. The final section characterizes the work of La Salle according to the metaphors determined and determinable route and indeterminate route, with the aim of placing the author within the scope of the history of education and discussing his proposals in the face of current pedagogical trends.

