
  • Plúcia Franciane Ataíde Rodrigues
  • Sara Nascimento dos Santos
  • Iasmini Nicoli Galter
  • Ramila Tainara de Araújo Ataíde Wanzeler
  • Carine Coneglian de Farias Colman
  • Silvia Tamie Matsumoto
  • Hildegardo Seibert França



Antioxidant, Total phenols, Natural products, Oil-resin, Cytotoxicity


The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, free radical scavenging activity and cytotoxicity of pure Carapa guianensis oil (andiroba) (in natura), as well as to test the various Folin-Ciocalteu reaction conditions for quantifying total phenols in oil and oil-resin (in natura). Cytotoxic activity was measured using CHO-K1 epithelial cells. Antioxidant capacity was measured using the DPPH and ABTS methods. The Folin-Ciocalteu method was modified to evaluate total phenols in oils and resinous substances. Different approaches were tested, including the addition of tween 80 and solvent substitution, in order to analyze the total phenols present in the oil-resins tested. As for the chemical composition, thin layer chromatography (SLC) and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometer (GC/MS) were used. The analysis of the cytotoxicity of andiroba vegetable oil did not result in any significant loss of mitochondrial function, with the percentage of viable cells ranging from 82 to 127% of cell viability. C. guianensis oil showed an IC50 of 254.2 ± 10 mg/mL and 274.9 ± 6.19 mg/mL for DPPH and ABTS, respectively. In terms of total phenols, for application to oils and resinous substances, water was progressively replaced by an apolar solvent, making it possible to quantitatively analyze the total phenols present in the samples tested. In the phytochemical prospecting, only the presence of fatty acids with a stain at the same Rf as the oleic acid standard could be observed. The compounds identified by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometer (GC/MS) were fatty acid derivatives such as oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and linoleic acid with a relative area of 32.85; 26.06; 13.28; 11.79 %, respectively. Based on the study, it can be concluded that andiroba vegetable oil has antioxidant activity in vitro, does not show cytotoxicity in CHO-K1 epithelial cells and is mainly composed of oleic and palmitic acid. The data obtained in this study could be useful for methodologies carried out in aqueous media.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, P. F. A. ., Santos, S. N. dos ., Galter, I. N. ., Wanzeler, R. T. de A. A. ., Colman, C. C. de F. ., Matsumoto, S. T. ., & França, H. S. . (2024). PROPERTIES OF Carapa guianensis, Aubl., 1775 OIL AND ITS POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS. Acta Biologica Brasiliensia, 7(1), 136–157.




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