Educação no campo e (des)continuidade escolar: a escolarização dos alunos oriundos do campo


  • Marina Natalina Benício de Andrade UERN
  • Cicero Nilton Moreira da Silva UERN
  • Simone Cabral Marinho dos Santos UERN



This paper is the result of a monograph, linked to the University of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), on rural education, specifically in the perspective of struggle for education. Our purpose is to analyze the factors that affect the (dis)continuity of schooling for students from the countryside. Based on the theoretical postulates of Arroyo, Caldart and Molina (2004), Bourdieu (2008) and Hage (2011), and it presents a qualitative and bibliographic approach, with a descriptive character. Furthermore, as it presents the results of the school census for the years 2011 and 2021, the research is also of the documentary type, providing validations for the discussions defended. Based on the information presented in our analysis, we argue that the causes of the (dis)continuity of schooling for students from rural schools are related to the difficulty of adapting to the new methodologies of urban schools, the treatment received in this environment and the lack of capital culture passed on by their families, since the majority are parents who have little schooling and little cultural capital. Therefore, the low participation of the family in the education of the students is also pointed out as a difficulty faced by schools.

