



Meaningful learning. Playful activity. Active methodology.


Mendel's work with hybridization of peas, published in 1866, is considered the scientific birth of Genetics, an area of Biology that studies heredity, variation and the way in which organisms transmit the characteristics from one generation to the next. This teaching experience report presents the diversification of strategies in the process of teaching and learning Cytogenetics and its potential in the training of students. In addition to theoretical lectures, practical classes and seminars, the active project-based learning methodology (PBL) was also employed. In this methodology, students assume the role of the teaching and learning process, working collaboratively in the preparation and execution of the proposal. Before the two events, the team made models and didactic games and planned the intervention, aiming at the popularization of Cytogenetics, with an emphasis on DNA compacting, cell division and the relationship between DNA, genes and chromosomes. In planning and conducting the events, the students devised innovative and efficient strategies, with creativity and organization. This diversification of strategies was effective in the significant learning of cytogenetics by the students, who had the opportunity to experience some of the challenges they will face as Biological Sciences professionals.

Author Biography

Luciana Aguilar-Aleixo, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB)

Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Ciências Naturais (DCN/UESB).

Área de Genética


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How to Cite

AGUILAR-ALEIXO, L. DIVERSIFICATION OF STRATEGIES IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF CYTOGENETICS. JOURNAL TRIANGLE, Uberaba - MG, v. 14, n. 3, p. 1–20, 2021. DOI: 10.18554/rt.v14i3.5867. Disponível em: https://seer.uftm.edu.br/revistaeletronica/index.php/revistatriangulo/article/view/5867. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.