
  • Ana Caroline dos Santos Oliveira Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará
  • Thayná Cristina Dias e Dias Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará
  • Danielle Rodrigues Monteiro da Costa Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará
  • Camila Maria Sitko Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará
  • Lucélia Cardoso Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará



Professional development., Continuing education of science teachers., Inclusive pedagogical practices.


This article presents the outcomes of training experiences carried out with teachers of basic education in special education through a training course via the Moodle. This study analyses how the continuing education of science teachers in an inclusive perspective contributed to their professional development. The methodological approach was based on the qualitative approach, from which the utterances of the participating teachers in the evaluation focus group were examined. By analyzing the participants’ utterances, we found some behavioral change markers, such as: change in the conception of inclusion and of students with disabilities; modification of the evaluation process; elaboration of collaborative activities; behavioral change in making teaching materials accessible. We conclude that the professional development of teachers who teach science and who participated in the course proposed in this research was as consequence of the recognition and the appreciation of teaching knowledge and the fact that continuing education must consider the different stages and processes that permeate the professional practice. Thus, this work intends to raise a critical reflection on the positioning of an inclusive pedagogical practice in the teaching of science, which may reflect on the development of skills and competencies of the teacher to deal with different students.

Author Biographies

Ana Caroline dos Santos Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (Unifesspa - 2020), she is currently a Master's student at the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGCEM) at Unifesspa and is also taking a specialization course in TEA: MULTIDISCIPLINARY INTERVENTIONS IN INTERSECTORIAL CONTEXTS/DEES by the University of the State of Pará (UEPA). Participated as a Collaborator in the Teaching Project Entitled: "Interdisciplinary Laboratory for the Production of accessible didactic-pedagogical materials and the use of assistive technologies with students with disabilities in Basic Education", financed by the Support Program for Methodological Intervention Projects-PAPIM - 2017. She worked as a collaborator of the Teaching Project entitled: "Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Innovation in Inclusive Teaching: Use and Development of Pedagogical Assistive Resources and Technologies in Basic Education Schools", financed by the Support Program for Methodological Intervention Projects (PAPIM) - 2018/ 2019. He also worked as a resident scholarship holder of the Pedagogical Residency Program - Capes 2018/2019. He is part of the Group of Studies and Research in Science Teaching (GEPEC). Has experience in supervised mandatory internships in the public education network and non-mandatory in the private education network. She works as a primary school teacher in the early years of elementary school. Interested in the following areas: Special Education. Science teaching. Didactic-pedagogical materials. Active methodologies.

Thayná Cristina Dias e Dias, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

Degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (Unifesspa) (2019), Specialist in Specialized Educational Service (AEE) (2020), is currently a Master's student at the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM), from Unifesspa and FAPESPA scholarship holder (2020-current), he is specialized in teaching Astronomy and related Sciences at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) and is an intermediate level English student. Participated as a paid scholarship holder in the "Support to Students with Disabilities in Higher Education" Program - PROEX/UNIFESSPA (2016-2018). Participated as a paid Scientific Initiation Fellow in the research entitled "Teachers' Demands in the areas of Science and Mathematics teaching for the development of inclusive curricular practices with students with disabilities, autistic spectrum disorder and high abilities/Giftness" with the PIBIC/Gift development agency CNPq (2019) and PIBIC/FAPESPA (2020). In 2019, he took an exchange program with the National Program for Academic Cooperation in the Amazon (PROCAD) at UNESP/Bauru with academic activities for 2 months through the Graduate Program in Education for Science. Member of the Brazilian Association for Research in Science Education (ABRAPEC). He is part of the Research and Studies Group in Science Teaching-GEPEC (2019-current) and the Center for Studies and Research in Astronomy and Astronomy Education - NEPAEA (2021) linked to PPGECM/Unifesspa, as well as participating in the Research Group in Education in Sciences, Mathematics and Inclusion-RUAKÉ (2021) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). He has interests in the areas of: Special Education, Science teaching in the early years, Astronomy teaching and teacher training.

Danielle Rodrigues Monteiro da Costa, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

Degree, Master and Doctor in Chemistry from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). She has served as a Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA) and at the State Department of Education (SEDUC). He is currently Professor at the Department of Natural Sciences at the University of the State of Pará (UEPA), at the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching (Unifesspa) and at the Graduate Program in Education and Teaching of Science in the Amazon (UEPA ). He is a member of the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings (CEPMARABA), Brazilian Society of Chemistry (SBQ), Brazilian Association of Chemistry (ABQ), Brazilian Association of Research in Science Education (ABRAPEC) and Brazilian Society of Chemistry Education ( SBEnQ). Develops works in the area of ​​Natural Products Chemistry and Chemistry Teacher Training, working on the following topics: High Efficiency Liquid Chromatography, Bioactive Natural Products, Chemistry Teaching and Teaching Knowledge. Paraense, mother of Larissa Monteiro da Costa and Lucas Monteiro da Costa.

Camila Maria Sitko, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

She is an external collaborator in the Graduate Programs in Education in Science and Marematics at Unifesspa (PPGECM) and Graduate National Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching (MNPEF). Physics Laboratory Technician at the Federal University of Paraná. She is a researcher at the Center for Research, Development and Innovation (CIDI), at the Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Fafe (IESF) - Portugal. She holds a PhD in Science Teaching and Mathematics Education from the State University of Londrina, in the area of ​​History and Philosophy of Science. He also holds a Master's in Physics from the State University of Londrina, in the area of ​​Star Astrophysics. Graduated in Degree in Physics from the State University of the Center-West - Paraná. Researcher in the areas of Education in Astronomy, History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science, and Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies.

Lucélia Cardoso Cavalcante, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

Degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Pará/Campus de Marabá (2003). Has specific training in the area of ​​Literacy (improvement). Specialization in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy. She is a Master and Doctor in Special Education from the Federal University of São Carlos/UFSCar in the Post-Graduate Program in Special Education. He has experience in teaching in Municipal Public Education and in higher education at UFPA and Unifesspa. Worked in several teaching, research and extension projects at UFPA from 2003 to 2013. Worked as Pedagogical Technician at UFPA and Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará - Marabá from 2006 to 2016. Coordinated Extension Programs in the areas: Teacher Training in Art - Education, Solidarity Economy and in the area of ​​Special Education. From 2009 to the present, he coordinated research projects, teaching and extension programs in the area of ​​Special Education. She held the position of Coordinator of Extension of the UFPA/Maraba Campus from February 2007 to January 2010. She is trained in the area of ​​Libras, Braille, audio description and education of people with ASD. She is currently adjunct professor in the Special Education area at Unifesspa. She is a professor in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at Unifesspa, with guidance in the area of ​​inclusion, teacher training and inclusive teaching in Science and Mathematics. She is a professor at the Professional Master's Program in History in Network/Unifesspa, guiding research in the area of ​​inclusive History teaching. She is a professor and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program of the Professional Master's Degree in Inclusive Education - PROFEI in the National Network. Are you a researcher at the NATIONAL SPECIAL EDUCATION OBSERVATORY Research Group? Oneesp of the Federal University of São Carlos. He is currently the leader of two Research Groups: "Special Education Research Group: Contexts of training, policies and practices of inclusive education" and "Nucleus for Studies and Research in Assistive Technologies and Accessibility" of CNPQ by Unifesspa. She held the position of coordinator of the Academic Accessibility and Inclusion Center - NAIA - UNIFESSPA from April 2014 to September 2020. She currently holds the position of Vice-Dean of the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará - Unifesspa from the 30th of September 2020. She is currently a member of the Advisory Committee on Special Education and Specialized Care in Exams and Assessments of Basic Education, as a consultant specialist of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira/INEP, Ordinance No. 985, of November 25, 2019/INEP/MEC.


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