um currículo em construção


  • Thallyta Teixeira Silva Rodrigues Secretaria da Educação do Estado do Tocantins
  • Paola Regina Martins Bruno Secretaria da Educação do Estado do Tocantins
  • Amoriana Borges de Araújo Secretaria da Educação do Estado do Tocantins



Bilingual Education for the Deaf, Political Pedagogical Project, Curriculum.


The curricular structure of bilingual education for the deaf is considered an innovative teaching proposal, and has been gaining ground on the national scene due to the need to learn the Brazilian Sign Language, on the parto f deaf and hearing people. It is Worth highlighting that this achievement has been going on for decades struggles of the deaf Community and linguistic educational policies following Law 10,436/02, which recognized Libras as a language, and Decree 5,626 of 2005, which established Libras as the languague of instruction, importante advances in the implementation of bilingual education for the deaf. To this end, the following research problem was formulated: How to construct a Bilingual Curriculum with Libras as the first language (L1) and Portugueses as the first language (L2) in written form for the development of teaching-learning students deaf? It is based on the hypothesis that Libras as a first language (L1), and Portugueses as a second language (L2) in written form, contributes to the cognitive, sociocultural and emotional development of deaf students through the inclusion of their teaching process and learning be focused entirely on your language. The presente research has the general objective of bringing a reflection on the bilingual curriculum from a sociocultural perspective that aims at Libras as L1 and Portugueses as L2 in the written modality, with the specific objective of describing the implementation process of the Bilingual School for the Deaf of the State of Tocantins, in the municipality of Palmas and analyze the curriculum proposal. The research is based on a qualitative and bibliographical approach and discusses the educational policies implemented in the State of Tocantins aimed at bilingual education for the deaf. To this end, the importance of a school Pedagogical Political Project was highlighted that adresses the bilingual curriculum in a set of activities, curricular and extracurricular subjects, which the educational institution is responsible for developing to improve and enrich the curriculum that aims at the uniqueness of culture, identity and language of the deaf student.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, T. T. S.; BRUNO, P. R. M. .; ARAÚJO, A. B. de . BILINGUAL SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF IN THE TOCANTINS STATE EDUCATION NETWORK: A CURRICULUM UNDER CONSTRUCTION: um currículo em construção. JOURNAL TRIANGLE, Uberaba - MG, v. 17, n. 2, p. 38–49, 2024. DOI: 10.18554/rt.v17i2.7718. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.