Sick leave. Inclusion. Information management.Abstract
The Home Exercise (HE) applied in higher education consists of leave for health reasons or maternity leave, with the student having the right to compensation for class attendance through home activities according to the legislation. In order to know how HE is practiced within federal universities, surveys were carried out on the functioning of Home Exercise through the application of a questionnaire via the website of the Electronic System of the Citizen Information Service, e-SIC, and specifically within the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) through a Google Forms questionnaire where this entire process is handled through a printed form. In analyzing the data, it was observed that in none of the participant universities there is a fully computerized process for HE in a unified system. This study aims to demonstrate the weaknesses and slowness of managing the process in a traditional way and the importance of managing the entire process in digital format, thus promoting efficiency and improvement in management and the effectiveness of the right guaranteed to the student, through a computerized process.
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