Pedagogical Planning and Child Education
How the teacher defines what to teach to children
Childhood Education, Pedagogical planning, CurriculumAbstract
This paper synthesizes elements of the research accomplished in the post-graduate program and developed in a public school of early childhood education of the Education Department of the Federal District, located in the Administrative Region of Santa Maria - Brasília/Federal District. The research focused on issues related to pedagogical planning using a qualitative perspective. The research had the main objective of reflecting on the criteria used by teachers to select what will be taught in the classrooms of Early Childhood Schools, thereafter, to identify the criteria that the kindergarten teachers use to define it. The procedures in line with the objectives sought included observation of the moments of elaboration of the pedagogical plans by the teachers, non-standardized interviews with the participating teachers, and participatory observations in two classes of the school. The reflections made by José Gimeno Sacristán and Luciana Esmeralda Ostetto constituted the reference for this research. From a qualitative analysis of the data obtained through thematic categories, when teachers define what they will teach to children in early childhood schools, they use criteria based on commemorative dates, in the spaces used in the school, in themes, in the areas of knowledge and respective contents.
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